Maui Net has provided webhosting, development and email services for Hawaii since 1994.
We are located on the island of Maui.
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Scam Emails
In recent times, there has been a noticeable surge in fraudulent activities involving scam emails that cleverly disguise their "From" addresses. These deceptive emails often masquerade as being sent from reputable and widely recognized domains such as,, and official-looking addresses purporting to be from government entities like the IRS. They also mimic communications from popular services like PayPal, Norton, and Geek Squad, exploiting the trust and recognition associated with these names.

It's crucial to understand that the "From" address in an email is not a reliable indicator of the true origin of the message. Cybercriminals have become adept at manipulating this feature to appear as if the email is coming from legitimate sources. For instance, they can craft emails that look as though they are from "" or "". This manipulation is surprisingly simple to achieve, as senders can input virtually any text they choose in the "From" field of an email, including whimsical addresses like "god@heaven.above".

Moreover, scammers do not need to have control over the domain they use in their "From" address. This means they can use convincingly authoritative email addresses such as "" or completely fabricated ones like "" without actually owning these domain names. This tactic is often used to lend credibility to their fraudulent schemes and to deceive unsuspecting recipients.

It's important to remember that scammers are generally unable to receive replies at these fictitious email addresses. A practical way to test the legitimacy of an email is to simply hit the Reply button. If the "To" address that appears is different from the "From" address initially displayed, this is a red flag indicating potential fraud. This discrepancy suggests that the scammer is trying to obscure the true destination of your reply.

Additionally, it's imperative to exercise caution with email links. Never click on any links contained within suspicious emails, as these could lead to malicious websites or initiate the download of malware onto your device. Instead, if you suspect that the communication might be legitimate but feel uncertain, directly contact the entity supposedly sending the email through verified means, such as their official website or customer service hotline.

By staying vigilant and informed about these deceptive practices, you can better protect yourself from falling victim to email scams that exploit the trust in established names and organizations.

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